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Interior is Personal: Fost Lamp in 6 Unique Hospitality Worlds
Same ingredients, surprising outcomes Convinced that interior is personal, we set the framework where the same...
The Story Behind Fost Acoustic Lamp
Stretching the limits of PET Felt Fost Lamp affirms the ultimate versatility of PET Felt material. Pressed from a sheet...
Introducing Hale PET Felt Lounge Chair
A new perspective on a classic design Hale PET Felt Lounge Chair redefines the archetypical lounge chair through smart...
Exploring De Vorm’s New Office & Showroom
The new interior combines a showroom and a workplace under one roof, emphasizing how the collection can blend into...
New In: Fine Texture Finish
We have added the exclusive custom option for the powder-coated elements of our products. Fine texture finish delivers...
From Bottle to Chair: How We Make PET Felt
To bring a second life to plastic bottles, we collaborate with the local recycling centres. PET Felt technology allows...
De Vorm Wins Two iF Design Awards 2021
De Vorm won not one but two iF Design Awards with Mute Fit acoustic panel and Hale chair. iF Design Award is a...
De Vorm Introduces Soft Distancing
Social distancing etiquette has shaped the spaces we live and work in. But, regardless of all the transformations, we...
Interior is Personal: Exploring Interior Personalities by De Vorm
We would like to invite you inside the extraordinary interior worlds belonging to unique and varied archetypes....
One Year Later: Architects on the New Normal in Office Design
It’s been a year since our last talk with Diederik Fokkema (Fokkema & Partners) and Raquel Machado (M Moser...
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