
Interior is Personal: Exploring Interior Personalities by De Vorm

At De Vorm, we are convinced that interior is personal. With limitless customisability of our collection, we strive to set the framework where the same ingredients can merge into the most contrasting expressions.

De Vorm AK Soft Distancing Visionary

We would like to invite you inside the extraordinary interior worlds belonging to unique and varied archetypes. Personalities to be inspired by and to relate to. Connect with each of them to create your own perfect mix for any interior project.

Minimalist - Less is more

Convinced that less is more, Minimalist longs for simplicity and lack of clutter. For them, beauty is simple; it lies in clean lines, neutral shades and pure functionality. Decoration is redundant, the essence is what truly matters. Minimalists know what they can do without, carefully selecting unique, crafted pieces that will serve a lifetime.

De Vorm AK Soft Distancing Minimalist

Originator - Dare to stand out

Originator dares to be different. Choosing to stand out over blending it, they know how to make a statement with everything they offer to the world. Inspired by futuristic concepts and pure innovations, Originators express themselves through intense colours, quirky shapes and fluorescent elements. Their personal space is a work of art itself.

De Vorm AK Soft Distancing Originator

Blend in or stand out

We set the framework so that you can let your imagination run free. We offer endless customisability within that framework. Whether you want to blend in or stand out, we provide you with the tools.

Ready to explore? Download the inspiration paper with all interior personalities to find your own components for good design. 

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